TEAM, we have finished our Smoke Testing, and have fixed a few different bugs, but we are

TEAM, we have finished our Smoke Testing, and have fixed a few different bugs, but we are still testing:

FIXED, but still monitoring/testing:

  • Logging into the play service while already being logged in, doesn't log you in
  • Profile cropping image isn't working for avatar images - known bug, working on it


  • Should be able to post now without having that weird stand alone error
  • Fixed tags showing < instead of the tag name in search
  • Posting, commenting, replying, reacting
  • Sending messages, receiving messages
  • Wallets, balances, earnings report
  • Quick wallet loads
  • Page auto loading when scroll
  • Group/profile/load more auto laoding
  • auto loading on other load more elements
  • Pro Member list
  • SoMee Links & Bio LInk
  • SoMee Update version
  • Stories
  • News Feed with various layouts
  • Discover feature
  • Forums
  • Games
  • Packages page
  • Profile, Groups and Pages Load
  • Cropping for cover photos working
  • Search & Quick search is working
  • Trending tags and hash tags are working
  • Accessiblity options are working
  • Share post, report post working
  • Short link generator working
  • post image light box working
  • Chat status and messages
  • Alerts working
  • FCM working for latest version on android
  • User menu working
  • Sidebar loading on responsive layouts
  • Voting slider working
  • Custom theme working
  • Custom theme sharing working
  • Blockchain settings working
    TEAM, we have finished our Smoke Testing, and have fixed a few different bugs, but we are
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