#solarisfuture - the new topic / hashtag for our ESG / sustainable / green curation initiative

As some might know we started a new curation project here on hive a few weeks ago, targeting green / ESG / sustainable content. As reference find the original article here: @solarisfuture/project-solarisfuture-now-officially-launched-get-your-esg-content-curated

Pretty soon we got very valuable feedback advising us to use our own topic / hashtag. At the same time we discovered that unfortunately due to crypto-winter many green projects, especially from Afrika, Asia and Latin America, seemed to have stopped posting or left HIVE all together.
Because of this finding the content we are looking for is pretty hard work.

So from today on we will start every content search with our very own topic / hashtag called #solarisfuture

So whenever you feel your content fits our criteria and should be rewarded... please also use the topic / hashtag #solarisfuture

And spread the word (also to those who temporarily left) that this kind of green / ESG content is esteemed on HIVE and gets rewarded.


the @solarisfuture team.


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