Does your panels produce power when it is cloudy

Solar and clouds 

![solar and clouds.jpg](

I get asked a good bit if my panels will produce when the sun is not shining i always tell them it really depends on a whole lot of factors . If it is late afternoon early morning while it does it is not nearly as much . If it is the fluffy white clouds . It will produce a few kws of juice while dense clouds maybe a few hundred watts . This particular picture my panels were only putting out around 1100 watts while is not near peak but i dont find this to be half bad output .

solar inverter.jpg

In the picture you can see that my power is around 242 volts average for my area but the voltage of the solar is at 386 volts . This is one example of the reason i went with solar edge . It is so much more efficient to transmit that higher voltage than it would be to transfer 12 volts or even 48 volts without having a line the size of a sewage line coming from the panels.

How does the solar panels produce when there is no sun showing 

The sun is still shining even though it may be partially blocked the suns energy is still hitting the earth . Here is a simple example for the ones who fish . Does any one remember the day you went out on the lake to fish on a cloudy day get to your boat and because the sun was out didn't try to wear sun screen or anything. That night you probably looked like you had been laying out at the beach , this is similar to what is happening to the solar panels they just arent getting the full force of the sun . I have been a bit busy lately as it is getting into the busy season of my job haven't had a whole lot of time to post much . I decided to throw one out there with a few snapshots ordered a new camera holder and was digging around in the shop tonight and found it. So now will be adding a few aerial shots will try to learn how to upload videos so you can see in December the massive pine tree that blocks my panels after 3 pm. Well that about it I will throw one up on Sunday or Monday (my weekend .)

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