Got My First Electric Bill ~ Were the Solar Panels a Good Investment??? ~ #harvestthesun


Aren't those pretty?! I like to think so! If you keep up with me, you'll probably remember me talking about how my electric costs at my bar were reeeee-dic-u-luss. You can catch up here if you'd like. I was patiently waiting for my first CFE bill to see what kind of help these panels would give me.

Mexico does bi-monthly billing, so every two months you get the bill.

I walked into the bar the other day and my bartender was holding the CFE bill in his hands. I could barely contain my excitement.

Did I make the right decision?

Did I just waste 8K on something that won't reduce my payment all that much?

Did I get the greatest deal ever and will I be a very happy man?

If you guessed options 1 & 3, you would be correct.


$406 for two months. Mind you, that's not dollars, that's pesos.

So essentially, my electric bill is a hair over 10 bucks a month.


Could NOT be happier.

These panels will last me 25 years with good maintenance, and I just absolutely demolished my monthly electric bill to a few bucks. So happy I made the decision I did, only regret is not doing it sooner.

If you live in a climate where in the day the sun shines 90% of the time year round, solar is such a good idea. Whether to cut your bill, or live off grid, it just makes too much sense.

I told y'all I'd give ya an update when I got the first bill, so there it is.

Are you surprised by the savings?

Anyone get solar since my last post or plan on it now?

Let me know!

Thanks for reading y'all, Hive on!

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