Hungry Robot Chicken Club contest entry (late but, still delicious)

 I made these two pieces last month and totally spaced on uploading them 🙃. Found them going through some picture folders and wanted to share 😄 But First !!
 I would encourage you to see the original contest post from @visionarystudios some more information about HRCC, but it is essentially a **Digital Rewards Pass** in which a company/business can track and reward their most loyal customers **without compromising their privacy** by asking for name, number, email, etc.. In addition to giving customers their privacy back, this structure also transforms what was once an expense, into a new stream of revenue. 
 Next time you are in NYC I highly recommend stopping by **Sticky Fingers Chicken Joint** and supporting a web2 business that is taking one of the first brave steps into web3.

 That being said, here is my late, but still delicious #HRCC art 😁 followed by some of my own Hungry Robots in the official HRCC collection, Enjoy !


hrcc contest 1.JPG

hrcc contest.JPG


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