Repost: Homosexuality and transgenderism are dysfunction. Period (By Erik Rush - WND)

Exclusive: Erik Rush battles those committing 'societal suicide' over LGBTQ orthodoxy

First off: There's no such thing as a transgendered person. We might as well rip that Band-Aid off right now. If someone self-identifies as a gender other than his or her biological one, there is something wrong with that person.
Second: Homosexuality, itself, is not normal. Nor is homosexuality a lifestyle choice such as most people understand lifestyle choices. Like transgenderism, homosexuality represents fundamental emotional and psychological dysfunction and should be treated as such.
...Considered in light of the above, allowing the LGBTQ lobby to drive the civil rights narrative in this area – which is
precisely what we've been doing for the last 40 years – is nothing short of patent insanity.

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