Where have we gone?

This was originally posted by The Unfake Media at https://theunfakemedia.wordpress.com/2017/10/23/where-have-we-gone/

I look out into the world and some times I can not believe how insane it has become.

Many times I just wish that I could travel back to a time when people where not so insane and the world had more truth in it and not so many lies. Why did this happen?

People have so lost their mind that they think the reality of their biology is not what they are and that there where born into the wrong body but this is a pure delusion! Your mind needs to change to fit reality not the other way around!
All of the world does not need to start believing a lie to accommodate your delusions.

The family used to be a such a very strong thing that was the glue of society but now there are so little good functional families compared to the broken divorced families. The society has become a tornado set on ripping apart the family and everything you see out in the world is sending you a message that your own pleasure and desires are the most important thing in the world and that you should not have a family but just go and get a job working for the system.

Now that the family has been so vaporized people have become more and more dependent on the government It used to be that the parents would be farming the land and raise their children to take over the farm so that when they got old they could have their children take over the farm and they could take care of their parents well they lived out there last years in peace but now the kids all leave the nest as soon as they can and go off the college to get into debt for an education that they will most likely not use.
Then they eventually find a job and have kids, but they have bought so many things that they can’t home school there kids so they have to send them off to the public school well they slave away to pay off all their debt they have accumulated from their foolish actions and because of the thieving Federal Reserve System.

When this happens, the kids are not raised by the parents but by their TV and the institutions they are sent off to.

After the parents have had a few children, they find out in not to long that one or both of the parents have cancer or some other disease caused by the toxic foods they are consuming and all the toxicity around them.
Now there parents can longer take care of themselves and they must be sent off to a nursing home to live out the rest of their life suffering. Since all the children left the nest, nobody is there to take care of the parents in their old age.

This is how things have looked for a little while now but things have become even worse in that the children are not going off and finding a job and then having a family but staying in a state of suspended adolescence where they are still playing video games and collecting action figures when they are in their 30s!

In the old days people used to have most of the skills they needed to go make a living for themselves and live from the land when they where 17 to 20 years old but now people don’t have any of these skills when they are 30 years old!

Where did we lose our minds and embrace this insanity?

I can not say when this truly happened it has been a slow process like the pot of water with a frog in it that is slowly heated to bring it to a boil. How long before we reach the point when the boiling heat takes us out.

Be sure that the people who have constructed this new world order do intend on wiping out a large portion of the population.

As it was stated in the first part of this article the LGBT agenda is a big part of this tornado of destruction that is coming at us. There are many other pieces to this globalist puzzle that are being put together one agenda at a time.
Too cover all the agendas of this globalist puzzle it would take a very long time but if you want to see some of our other posts covering the other agendas of the NWO then please click this link https://theunfakemedia.wordpress.com/about/

The Unfake Media has not posted for a while on Steemit since we have been doing some exclusive posts on our website.

But now we are going to be posting on Steemit again!

Copyright by The Unfake Media 2017
Image from Pixabay.com

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