Epic Fail: The War On Poverty

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It seems that you can't discuss poverty in America without discussing race- which seems racist to me- the assumption, I suppose is that black people are incapable of lifting themselves out of poverty on their own. Despite statistics that show that in 1940 the poverty rate among blacks was 85% and had dropped to 45% by 1960 (without help). Assuming the previous assumption, how does one explain the success of black people such as Barack Obama (who made it all the way to the presidency), Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, Thomas Sowell and many others. Let's look at what results the War on Poverty have amassed.

When LBJ began his "Great Society" programs in the 1960's, as the statistics showed the poverty rate among blacks was already in a precipitous decline... However, it had nothing to do with lifting minorities out of poverty, but establishing a permanent voting block comprised of a black underclass.
Currently led by black "leaders" such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Conyers, Sheila Jackson Lee, Charles Rangel,Maxine Waters, et.al why with this political clout are the programs not succeeding. Perhaps because, these "leaders are more concerned with enriching themselves personally than in helping fellow blacks. Maxine Waters, for example, represents South Central Los Angeles and Watts, but resides in Hancock Park, an exclusive suburb...

Since Johnson's programs were introduced, the American taxpayer has spent in excess of $22 Trillion (see link). What have they gotten for their money? The black leadership have all gotten rich- everyone listed prior are millionaires. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of average black people who still struggle against the bonds of poverty. Living in cities rife with crime and decay- subjugated to an educational system broken beyond any repair, permeated by a culture fueled by the lyrics of Rap music (?)- lyrics such as "nigga gonna slap that bitch ho-" academic excellence is frowned upon as being "white." This in contrast to the public schools in Harlem in the 1950's before the Great Society attended by Thomas Sowell who says that they were the pride of the NYC school system and some of the finest in the country. The entire black pop-culture supports this paradigm. After all if this voting block smartened up and came to understand that their situation was purposely imposed on them and that they have been duped- it's all over for Maxine, Jesse, Big Al and their ilk!
If the $22 Trillion was equally divided between the 42 million blacks- poverty among them would disappear (along with a substantial Democratic voting block) and a new class of taxpayers would be born. However, it's difficult to maintain an atmosphere of racial animosity in an environment of plenty. The new slavery depends on a permanent black underclass... But why concentrate their efforts on actually helping blacks escape poverty when there are still so many Confederate monuments around to distract them with.

Down on Massa Johnson's Plantation, the overseers are black... All engaged in a game of political sleight of hand- keeping blacks focused on imaginary boogie men in white sheets waiting to sell them back into slavery, while all the while the Democratic Party and liberal hypocrites of both colors ensure that they never escape... The legacy of the War on Poverty is institutionalized poverty and a permanent black underclass.


GIF by @papa-pepper

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