Decentralized Social Media vs Centralized Social Media – Which is the Future of Social Media? - 2/2


Which One is The Future of Social media?

Ever since the concept of decentralization came into existence when it comes to social media platforms, there is an ongoing debate on which is the future of social media. At the moment, there are a few top blockchain social media platforms created to solve some of the problems of the top centralized social media platforms. However, since blockchain technology is still in its early stages, decentralized social media platforms is still far behind compared to the top centralized social media platforms like the likes of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok etc. In my own opinion, I would say that blockchain technology is slowly gaining its grounds and gaining the much needed adoption. This would allow a lot of platforms that run on the blockchain to gain adoption as well. The concept of decentralization has shown to provide a lot of solutions to some of the drawbacks of centralization.

I think decentralized social media is the future as the power of decentralization can never be overemphasized. Decentralized social media is the future as blockchain technology continues to grow and people continue to see the benefits of blockchain technology. With the benefits and capabilities of decentralization, there is no doubt that it is just a matter of time before we start seeing the blockchain technology and decentralized social media gaining dominance in the world of social media. If social media is decentralized, there will not be censorship and users will have full control of their contents. Also, users information will not be used for adverts.

Why decentralized social media platform is better than the traditional centralized social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram TikTok etc

On decentralized social media platform, users have full control and ownership of their contents. While on Facebook and Twitter, users do not have full control and ownership of their contents.

On Decentralized social media platform, user accounts cannot be taken down. While on Facebook, Twitter, user accounts can be taken down.

On Decentralized social media platform, your posts cannot be censored. While on Facebook, Twitter, your posts can be censored.

On Decentralized social media platform, the decisions and rules of the platform is made by the decentralized social media platform users. While on Facebook, Twitter, the company makes all the decisions and rules.

On Decentralized social media platform, all contents is secure and stored on blockchain. While on Facebook, Twitter, all contents is stored on the company servers which can be hacked.

On Decentralized social media platform, users’ information is safe and cannot be sold. While on Facebook, Twitter, users’ information is not safe and are sold.

How Decentralized social media platform social media platform changes the lives of Its users

Earning a living and personal development
For me, decentralized social media platform has been beneficial because it has helped users to earn a living from their passion of writing and also in the aspect of personal development.

I love writing and decentralized social media platform has been a great platform for me to earn rewards from writing and giving value to the community and the rewards can be used to pay their bills like utility bills, health services bills, buy food, pay their house bills, buy internet services, and pay for products and services.

Also, decentralized social media platform has helped its users become better at writing and also helped users learn new things everyday which helps in personal development

How users can earn from decentralized social media platforms

Creating contents
Voting contents
Participating in contests
Selling products and services and receiving payments in crypto
Receiving payments for locked contents
Crypto-base subscription
Receiving Tips

Final Thought - With the rise of decentralized social media platforms, there is no doubt that we are heading to the right direction. Centralized social media platforms have shown that it is all about profit rather than user experience. Decentralized social media is still in its early years but so far, there is a lot of positives and potentials that makes it a better option.

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