Google Denies Science With "Gender Neutral" Policies


James Damore, now a former Google employee, caused outrage within Google Inc when he circulated a manifesto on Friday, 4th August complaining about this Tech monolith’s “ideological echo chamber,” while also asserting women have lower tolerance for stress, and that ‘conservatives’ are indeed more conscientious.

By the following Monday, this alumni of Harvard, Princeton and MIT, and who worked at Google’s Mountain View HQ, found himself fired after the search giant’s Indian chief executive, Sundar Pichai, claimed portions of Damore’s 10-page memo:

violate our code of conduct and cross the line by advancing harmful gender stereotypes

Perhaps inspired by his dualistic Hindu background, Pichai also managed to say, in the very same memo ... that Google employees shouldn’t be afraid to speak their minds!

Mr. Damore has since been informally interviewed by the University of Toronto’s professor of psychology, Jordan Peterson, to discuss the circumstances leading up to him penning his controversial memo, as well as the half-crazed fallout that has ensued since. This must-see interview can be found uploaded to YouTube.

Damore proceeds to explain that he decided to write his memo after attending a ‘secretive’ Google “diversity summit” in which he says presenters talked about “potentially illegal practices” designed to “try to increase diversity … basically treating people differently based on what their race or gender are.”

During his interview with Professor Peterson, Damore also discloses how he originally published his memo over a month ago but upper-management largely ignored it until it started to attract media attention. Once it went ‘viral’ Google’s upper management (a female in this instance) initiated what quickly grew into a coordinated attack using factual misrepresentations in order to try and silence him.

This kind of Communistic or Bolshevik or “Extreme Left” social engineering chimes with my own employment experiences in the U.K. during 1998 (with a privately-owned Acoustics company in Southampton) who employed a young, female, Human Resources Officer as a novelty. Her general demeanor was that of a Commissar looking to manipulate issues in accordance with Marxist ideology, instead of putting the career interests of employees first.

And again during 2004-05 in Doha, Qatar, when I was employed by the California based Occidental Petroleum Limited. In the case of Occidental’s (onshore/offshore) operations in Qatar, White Males were quietly discriminated against by the company’s American management, while concurrently those employees recruited from the Indian sub-continent where given favors or ‘protection’.

Almost wherever you go in this “New World Order” world -- at least wherever the United States or Britain have influence -- I can guarantee that you will find Indians enjoying far greater leeway, which then inevitably encourages them to display an arrogance that stems from knowing they are being subtly favoured (as a racial group) by corporate management.

In other words I witnessed, and was often troubled by, a surprisingly overt policy (semi-official, because this was never acknowledged explicitly) whereby employees were being treated differently according to (as in this case) their racial background. In other words, this widespread communistic manipulation is constantly seeking to leverage either race, or gender, or both.

In Book-1 of Outsourced World, I make it clear that this expression of reverse-racism actually forms an intrinsic part of the underlying philosophy that has helped propel the “New World Order” to giddying heights as we continue to be corralled, like sheep, towards One World Governance, and a potentially stark existence as perpetual serfs.

I would also suggest to you that our world has been thoroughly subverted, perverted and fractured by the social, political, and sexual deviances pouring out of the United States of America since the 1960s. And especially since the 1990s (i.e., the “Clinton Era”).

I now argue that the entire Western World (outside of North America) must soon learn how to deal very roughly with Americans and their arrogant predilection for interference in the domestic affairs of all other nations, including the endless promotion of women’s ‘rights’ and women’s issues.

Yes, the European Union has also played a major advocacy role, but Brussels (and also Britain, Germany, and Poland) has for too long been subservient to Washington DC (and to NYC-Manhattan) on social and cultural issues.

A clearly coordinated uniformity on issues such as gender, women's roles, LGBT, and morality generally, has increasingly infected the entire Western World ever since the late 1990s. And most of this coordination has emanated not only out of the United Nations, but also from the actions (or lack thereof) of the US Executive and Judiciary.

No country and no community is being allowed to be 'different'; you are not allowed to contract out. Everyone must conform to the new Globalist Zeitgeist, which clearly prefers to popularize the notions that Heterosexuality is the new abnormal, and that White People have no long-term future.

If we fail, then many more regions and countries will end up falling prey to the insanities and immoral filth that are currently de-constructing and dissolving what used to be referred to (in the “good old days”) as the “leader of the free world” and a “beacon of democracy”.

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