Social Media's Active Role In Social Engineering

I can remember when no one was on the internet. The few people who were, often were seen as oddballs within a society where the vast majority were aligned with the old ways. Today, the people who are not online are seen as the oddballs. It's amazing how fast that flipped, when we really sit and think it over. The other day My cousin sent me this video...

It talks about the Social Media role in Social Engineering - the literal shaping of society

Some of the conversation from executives in this clip, remind me of conversations in #CenturyOfTheSelf - a documentary about how small groups of people are literally controlling the masses, through pushing self centered-ness. In a nutshell, we went from a society that was beginning to concern itself with Others, and see us all as Part of a Whole, to a society where it's each man for him/her self.

Unfortunately we often see this play out in social media as well.

People want their articles to be shared, and they want people to comment on them, upvote and resteem. But how often are they paying that same favor foward, to benefit someone else? Ironically I recently watched an episode of The Orville, where the crew lands on a planet that has a society entirely based on likes and dislikes.

That episode is titled "Majority Rules" and in it, we see a glimpse of what our world is slowly becoming. Even though this is a comedy, it's serious food for thought.

I'm not endorsing the Review here; just gives you an Insight into the show.

Just how much are we allowing social media to shape Society? What ideas are we allowing to permeate our thoughts, that originate online, through popular opinion.... rather than critical thought? Does everyone's voice and opinion truly matter or do some people's Ideas hold more weight & importance?

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