Hello everyone. i know i promised to share on the history of the Nigerian people, but i felt i should share this first before proceeding.

Over the years, there have been varying scholarly opinions on the importance or damage of social media especially in the 21st century pace of development. Where some scholars have argued vehemently that social media has proved undoubtedly to be an efficient tool for faster communication and mobilization thereby leading to development. Some others have argued that social media has been an instrument of recent adverse corruption and crime like the creation and promotion of diversifying activities thereby creating idle minds and avenues for creative exploitation through yahoo activities and other dubious and manipulative measures.
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The question then is over the years, what has been the rate of social media influence on development in a realistic setting. Social media has positively served as a medium for business promotions through cheaper adverts and large audience reach unlike traditional media. Creating faster and cheaper ways for communication and has led to expansion in expression on wide range of topical issues and also creating unity among numerous people for the achievement of goals.
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However, the fact that social media has cause and increased internet addiction cannot be neglected, causing loosed focus, creating less and less innovative minds and lowering the motivational level of people and also increasing the possibility of crime. Also the increased rate of hacking and insecurity especially as a result of easy access to private information despite the security measures that have been put in place have led to numerous life and economic threats. Social media over the years have served as a great agent of cultural imperialism, a medium for promoting yellow journalism and a machinery against privacy and most of all a killer of homogeneity.

Amongst all the negative effects and positive uses, the fact that social media has been the most effective tool to kill homogeneity and promote individualism is rather unforgivable. It is the one tool or screen of communication that allows for a highly centralized and effective individualism. People no longer have to meet to share ideas and experiences or proffer solution to issues but rather depend on him/herself and the adulterated messages of somebody somewhere.
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Lack of homogeneity have served and continue to serve as a detriment to development but the truth remains that social media has come to stay so the only solution is to question what use we want to put it to.

Editorial CDS Group (2016, December). The 21st Century and Its Social Media Tool. (N. Ekiti, Ed.) Ekiti Kopa Monthly News Letter.

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