Transformative Social Media - Howdoo

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We can trace the birth of Social Media back through the Stone Age from rock paintings to the ancient hieroglyphs of the Egyptians, humans have been communicating in one form or another, telling stories and engaging in sharing experiences, pivitol and world altering events, as well as our evolution throughout our history.

It is indelibly etched into our DNA, to share content and stories with our immediate community and global community, through the medium of social media on multiple platforms in the 21st century. The human race is now more socially aware than ever before, from the trivial to the life changing events that can also affect the global political status quo. The human psyche has evolved for better or for worse, we spend more and more time on various social media platforms, addiction to social media is now a thing.

Let's however focus on some other aspects of Social Media and the evolution that is taking place, with the advent of Blockchain technology, we are fortunate to be at the apex of the change to a more decentralised and democratised social media ecosystem. From the earliest days of Facebook in September of 2006 when the platform opened to everyone, at the time kickstarting a new revolution and bringing modern social media to the masses, which incredibly created an entirely new industry and generated unimaginable wealth for the early investors and other early adopters.

But somewhere along the way over the last 12 years following multiple scandals, privacy issues, incessant advertising on personal and business page feeds, many people are longing for change. We have unwittingly became the fuel driving the social media engine, that generates $billions in ad revenue and we do not get to share in the wealth created by our content. However it is fair to say of course that the social media juggernauts do spend $billions on innovation, R&D and security. Their future business models do not include any type of revenue share or incentives for the content creators, this is a fact and will inevitably lead to users looking for alternative platforms.

howdoo is a new breed of Social Media company, using Blockchain technology and incentivising users with the ability to earn their crypto currency called "uDoo" in a variety of ways, rewarding both content creators and consumers. Bringing back the Sexy to Social is not an easy task but "howdoo" and their global team are certainly making massive in-roads with thousands of followers engaged across multiple platforms and 21k+ on telegram.

"howdoo" is taking a multilayered approach that also includes strategic partnerships through to user content, engagement, ad distribution and transparency as well as something they reference in a recent article in "Medium" written by (Matthew S LaCrosse) "nano influencer marketing campaigns, that inevitably support not only the advertisers but also the users of the howdoo ecosystem". howdoo have released a beta version of their mobile App for Android with iOS in the works, another innovative way of getting invaluable community feedback and ensuring participation at all levels to benefit the future users of their global ecosystem.

The future is looking extremely bright as adoption at scale is realised, embrace the change.

RONDO - Facebook | Instagram | Mixcloud | Twitter

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