Here is How You Can Become A Crypto Pioneer Right Now!


Become a Crypto Pioneer

Most of the crypto projects start out by first raising lots of money, then attempting to execute on a bold vision. Today we are going to discuss a radically different approach taken by the team behind is a social network and publishing platform that is fully decentralized and is owned by its users. Unlike legacy blockchain platforms such as Steemit, Pocketnet has no corporation behind it. There is no ICO either. The whole network is ran algorithmically by a set of equal computer nodes, just like Bitcoin. On Pocketnet you can post videos and blogs, subscribe to other users’ channels and rate content. You can also chat with fellow crypto pioneers through a peer-to-peer chat. Every highly rated post earns cryptocurrency token called Pocketcoin.

In just four days since the word-of-mouth beta test launch, Pocketnet has attracted over a hundred blog posts on a multitude of topics. Many users already earned Pocketcoin for posting high quality content.

How It Works

Pocketnet is stored securely on computer nodes with no identifying personal information. Login with a private key is as simple as opening an email account. Open sourced Pocketnet is a radical departure from the old centralized platform model of Facebook, Youtube and others. These platforms are losing trust and their whole business is built on people trusting them, so that nobody checks behind the curtain.

Who is Behind It

Pocketnet is built by an international team of developers, mathematicians and marketers. Everyone who volunteers for the project shares two characteristics. One is exceptional professionalism and track record of professional achievement in a high stakes setting. And the other one is love of decentralization and desire to empower individuals on the web.

Check out this video about Pocketnet:

Why Centralized Platforms Such As Facebook Are Entering Shrinkage Period

Nobody is going to argue that Facebook or Twitter are in danger of disappearing. However, the trend has been decidedly negative for Facebook and is starting to look that way for others as well. Why?

Centralized platforms will become vulnerable, because they waste resources. The user experience that Facebook provides could be created with a tiny fraction of its budget. This is true for any big centralized platform. Most of the money they spent is used to track people, gather their data and monetize it. And in pursuit of earnings, many rules are bent and scandal after scandal erupts, as the user trust is eroding.

Every time you post something on a centralized social platform, you are acting as a volunteer content creator to enrich them. Every time you read or watch something on Youtube, you are acting a volunteer ad seller to Youtube. Corporate platforms start out by being nice to participants in order to attract them. But when they get bigger and users are locked in, the platform can change the rules to take bigger and bigger share of the earnings. If smaller competitors try to offer users something better and start growing, they are bought out. But a non-corporate platform like Bitcoin or Pocketnet cannot be bought out this way to make it go away.

Advertisers will also eventually look to diversify away from opaque centralized platforms. According to the latest allegations half of users on Facebook are not real and ad views are artificially inflated by up to 10X. A blockchain platform like provides complete transparency to the brands about interactions with their content, but without compromising anyone’s personal data.

Why you need to join Pocketnet
To summarize, here is why you need to join

You get compensated in Pocketcoin for every highly rated post you make
No corporation; owned by you as the user
Connect with fellow crypto pioneers through peer-to-peer group discussions
Nobody owns your personal data
Go to to get your private crypto key to start posting and rating content today. Very rarely do you get a choice to participate in something game-changing early on. You can shape social networking of the future, while getting crypto for simply participating.

P.S. First 5,000 users who create two posts will get a limited issue Founder’s badge on their profile. Also, some big news coming about Pocketnet partnering with a really interesting entity. Join today.

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