Trying Torum as a Hive User

Hi everyone,

After seeing a fair amount of Hype around Torum on twitter, I decided to try it out. It looks like an interesting platform but there were certainly some quirks to get used to.

I did have some trouble getting signed up as they had some odd requirements.

Firstly, I verified my email which worked completely fine, although the email came from a address, which didn't come across as overly professional to me, but I mean no complaints other than that, that part worked fine.

The part that gave me the hassle was the phone verification. To gain full access to the platform, you had to verify your phone with WhatsApp, no Text/Call option available. Now I ditched WhatsApp a while ago and wasn't going to install that shit just to get access to this website, so I contacted support, where they verified my number without even confirming that I owned it, which again seems bad but if there's no system I guess that's fair.

I have made a couple of posts and got reasonable levels of interaction. It would seem that tipping is the main method of earning as with and others, and you have to earn 500 tokens before you're allowed to do anything with them.

Personally, for me, I prefer the way hive works in these respects, although a centralized account creation system certainly has its merits.

It also seems to be running on eth/bsc/huobi smart chain, which is only the token, so there is none of the censorship-resistance of actual blockchain based social media.

The content felt more like what you'd expect of twitter.

TL;DR: Not for me, but maybe you'll like it?

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