The Bumbledick Absurdity

Fu Manchu poster.jpgI am deeply offended.

My children's maternal great-grandmother was full Lipan Apache. Their maternal great-grandfather and grandfather were full Tejanos. My freat-great-grandfather, Gideon Linscom, was the first European doctor to study and record the medical practices of the Kickapoo nation and received the Crossed Arrows from the Comanche and Lipan Apache nations, and his records are in the archives of the University of Texas-Austin.

Yes, I'm deeply offended.

Not by Trump's Pocahontas remarks, but by Elizabeth Warren trying to appropriate a heritage she does not have in order to get a job at Harvard Law. She was even billed as Harvard Law's first woman of color ( To get this absurd joke, just look at a photo of the woman.

I'm also deeply offended by Brown University. Here we have a case of the Bumbledicks, who normally hyperventilate over "cultural appropriation," letting students "self-identify" their color, which obviously implies race (, tough not in so many words.

The Bumbledicks have tied themselves in so many rhetorical and logical knots that they can no longer isolate favored groups for special consideration without excluding some other mental/spiritual disease.

Take, for instance, the LGBTQ-LMNOP "movement."

One the one hand, they claim that people are born gay. They have no choice. It is as embedded in their DNA as facial features, height and personality traits.

Transgenders, on the other hand, claim that the choice of their gender was determined by the doctor at the moment of birth and denied to them at that moment. One assumes that this argument included parents who fretted over ultrasound images, measuring, classifying and categorizing every visible feature, as well.

Not only are these arguments, presumably from a united community of highly distinct mental illnesses, in diametrical opposition, it denies basic biological facts, as well as confuses a number of issues as only the uneducated can do.

Gender is a rhetorical and grammatical construct. In the English language, it is embedded in personal pronouns, which are seperated by number, person and gender (male or female or neuter). Contrary to what many believe, English does have a neuter gender, designated as "it" or "one". In common usage, most people refer to babies as "it" until someone - normally the parents - identify the gender. To this extent, the transgenders are correct. However, they go several steps too far, as most of the Bumbledick arguments do.

Sex, the equipment with which nearly all humans are born for the purposes of procreating, is included by the Bumbledicks in their "gender choice" argument. Sex is determined at the moment of conception and is no more a "choice" than winning the lottery (other than one chooses to play in the first place). Sex, the equipment we are born with, is set by the X or Y chromosome. We all, but for an incredibly rare few, inherit one or the other, and that chromosome takes over from there, bathing the fetus in hormonal clouds that affect nearly every visible and invisible characteristic of the developing individual, from genitals to body mass, muscle density and brain wiring, and beyond.

One can choose to hire a surgeon to rearrange the equipment we are born with. We can choose to pump our bodies full of hormones that rightfully belong to the other gender. However, in doing all this, we achieve only two things: 1) we change a few superficial physical characteristics, 2) we set ourselves up for a lifetime of health issues and surgical maintenance that defies the wiring built into our DNA and everything determined and connected to it.

Warner Oland was paid to play an Oriental criminal mastermind in "The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu." Charleton Heston was paid to play a Mexican cop in Orson Welles' "Touch of Evil." Heath Ledger was paid to play a psychopathic murderous clown in "The Dark Knight." No one believes that any of these people became who they portrayed. We, the audience, suspended our disbelief long enough to allow an actor to sell us a character.

When the Bumbledicks tell us to accept that a man has become a women, they are stealing something from all males and females on the planet. When they brow-beat us into believing that a white woman can become a black woman, they are belittling black women everywhere. When a grown man puts on a diaper and rolls around in an over-sized crib, we are told that he is really a baby and must be treated as such. This demeans the precious infants of the world.

Yet, if I don blackface or a sombrero or a feathered headdress for dramatic or comedic effect, I am guilty of "cultural appropriation" and must be castigated and shunned.

Bumbledicks need to be put in their place. We must no longer tolerate their silliness, much less their insanity. My prejudices are my own and are of no concern to anyone else, provided I do not act on them in a violent or irrational way. Anyone can pretend to be whoever they want, if it doesn't involve outright fraud, and I do not have to accept it if I so choose. To force me to do otherwise is a form of mental duress that under any other circumstance would be illegal and treated as a form of rape.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and to express their opinion, and even to attempt to convince someone else that their opinion is correct. But no one is entitled to FORCE anyone else to believe what they do not want to believe.

Social justice and political correctness have crossed the line of propriety. It is now invasive and coercive and exceeds all boundaries of polite social discourse. Those who continue to practice this form of behavior must be gently corrected, and if they persist, shunned from polite society until they reform their behavior.

Manners were developed over centuries as a means to allow everyone to interact in public without offense to others. What you do in your home or on your property is your business, but the public sphere must take into account all tastes and sensibilities. It is time to treat the Bumbledicks as abusive drunks. We must usher them quietly and firmly to a private space where they can recompose themselves and join polite society again. They must learn that this form of behavior is not welcome in public, just as if they are three-year-olds throwing temper tantrums.

And when you think about it, the Bumbledicks really are just overgrown toddlers screaming for attention. Time to stop plugging treats in their gaping maws and start disciplining them as members of a larger society.

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