Socialization of PKH Assistance Improvement in 2019

The second day of follow-up was PKH Aid Improvement Socialization. Because of prior socialization many beneficiary families did not understand the assistance scheme.
Besides that in the Socialization, we also explained about PKH assistance in 2018. Which previously caused a lot of KPM perception after prinning out the Account book.
We will do this socialization on 18-February-2019
At two separate points.

Hari kedua tindak lanjut Sosialisasi Peningkatan Bantuan PKH. Karena Sosialisasi sebelum nya banyak keluarga penerima manfaat tidak memahami tentang skema bantuan. Selain itu dalam Sosialisasi tersebut, kami juga menjelaskan tentang bantuan PKH tahun 2018. Yang mana sebelumnya banyak menimbulkan persepsi KPM setelah prin out buku Rekening. Sosialisasi ini kami lakukan tanggal 18-Februari-2019 Di dua titik yang terpisah.

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