My 2 cents if those photos from "Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow" by Yuval Noah Harari were tl;dr:

Aside from not really considering our rights to buy and sell, or to freely associate, a centralized market will never know how much I'm willing to pay for a loaf of bread today, nor for how much you're willing to sell it. This means that within a planned economy, a free, "black market" will inevitably prosper, and always has. It is really that de facto, the free market exists, in every household, family, community, or nation, and it is a socialist, or communist economy which tries to cover and usurp what is natural, and to plan for "everything."

Setting aside the effect of corruption, and no matter the degree of compassion at its inception, realistically, and every time it has been tried, socialism/communism can only do so much forecasting and planning for a few economic factors or goods. This has resulted (at best,) in miscalculations that have led to the stagnation of progress for decades, of entire countries, and to the starving of millions, probably billions, of people. Being that any unknown, unplanned (unsanctioned) item, service or trade by its very nature, is an inherent threat to the system's data collection processes, its moral legitimacy and physical power, as well as its tax authority, such a system must become authoritarian. Regardless of what the true data indicate about the ability to meet the needs and wants of a population, socialism/communism/planned economies must generally attempt to make illegal, the trades or items on the black market, and punish its users accordingly, which effectively reduces the volume of data it must compute.

Being centralized, a planned economy, simply does not have the data processing power (or access to each individual's abilities, and present/future emotions and needs,) to facilitate a system in which every trade is accounted for, mutually beneficial, and where the most wants and needs are satisfied with the fewest barriers.

The free market, already and always, exists. Why? Within a community of just a few, or one with billions of individuals with varying wants, needs, skills, resources, visions, and personalities, each purchase/sale and every buyer/vendor, in addition to fulfilling a personal desire, naturally functions as a decentralized data processing node or hub, in real time, checking and balancing on both the supply and demand sides, the forces of "too much" or "too little," as well as the force of "we need something new to solve this problem/desire," so that constant minor corrections are made, generating even more free trade which will always be emergent and spontaneous, and will never suffer the same moral nor technical problems of socialism or communism...

Even if they ever showed up before the snow melted anyways, I will never pay a state run snow removal service to plough my driveway, when my good son wants to learn how to proudly earn $10 (or something else if they made it illegal,) for a job of his own creation, done well, and how to save money to fulfill his specific vision for the future, that even he isn't aware of yet...

(Lenin thinks he knows best giphy.)

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