The Misery Socialism Brings: Venezuela Nightmare

From a recent Reuters report:

“The hunger and despair are far worse than people realize, what we are seeing on the roads is just another manifestation of that. We’ve also been seeing people stealing and butchering animals in fields, attacking shops and blocking roads to protest their lack of food. It’s become extremely serious,” said ORC director Oswaldo Ramirez.

Mad Max violence stalks Venezuela's lawless roads

What Reuters will not say is this, socialist policies did this! Socialism has resulted in the starvation of tens of millions of people throughout the world over the past century!

If you're a Bernie Sanders supporter in the US, or a Greens or Labor voter in Australia, take note of what comrade Maduro did to Venezuela! Their policies are the same! If you tax the rich, the poor will get poorer, the economy will collapse, and mass starvation will ensue!

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