Things I believe with every fibre in my body.

These are some of the thingsI was told growing up, needles to say, i had to learn them the hard way. Now I believe them with every fibre in my body. Learn from me. Dont burn yourself first:FB_IMG_1494714877578.jpg

Love conquers everything and it wins every time.
Always go for the baked Cheesecake.
Life looks better through a glass of champagne.
It is better to be kind than to be right.
A big hug beats a bunch of garage flowers by far.
Friends make the world go round.
Forgiveness beats having a fight hands down. Every.frikken.time
Please and thank you goes a long way.
A smile can make somebody's day.
We all like to hear 'I love you'.
There is more simplicity in the man who eats caviar on impulse than in the man who eats All Bran on principle.
Stop trying to impress people, most of the ones that you try impress are too busy trying to impress other people and don't notice you anyway.
Wit and a sense of humour are two of the sexiest things in the world.
Beauty fades. Personality grows.
The world is not black and white and right and wrong. There are many shades of many things.
Strive to be lekker. People love it.

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