An Ignorant Housewife Is Not An Expert On Pedophilia

OpenClipart-Vectors is the creator of this image/Source:   Pixabay

1.  Quora's Finest Idiots

The other day I was surfing around on the Internet, and I came across a Quora forum that asked the question, "Do older men, for example 40-60 years old, like teenage girls?" Most everyone on the forum, including the women, answered the question honestly and candidly. It brought to mind Jan-Willem Breures's documentary titled Are All Men Pedophiles? that reported that a man's age-related attractions do not change but rather expand as they age.

There was this one 26-year-old housewife and mother on the forum who goes by the user name of Sin Bear. Her response to that same question on the forum was:

Yes, but there’s a word for those types of men (and women):  PEDOPHILES

Yeah, right. As though she is the gospel truth and expert on pedophilia. Could this woman be any stupider than she is? She pulls out her pedophile wand and abracadabra! Suddenly, a man standing before her changes from a normie into a pedophile. Her kids are going to grow up to be equally as dumb as she is.

I begin to believe that some of these women have what can be best described as "POCD by proxy" or "Pedophile Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by proxy." That is, they suspect that anyone who doesn't fit their age-appropriate mold has to be a serial child rapist and a pedophile.

Most unfortunately, the American Psychiatric Association ("A. P. A.") has not actually included POCD by proxy in the Fifth Edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ("DSM-5"), but it really needs to be made into an actual diagnosis inasmuch as way too many Americans seem to fit this description. Then again, it could be that these same Americans are a product of the 14-percent illiteracy rate here in the United States. I wouldn't rule that out as the case with Sin Bear.

Now if Sin Bear reads my article here, I don't want her coming back at me, asking me if I have kids. Such a question is highly irrelevant. Regardless of whether or not I do have kids, I pay taxes for her children to go to public school if they're yet in school. She has no idea what pedophilia is. It has nothing to do with teenage girls.

I begin to ask the question, "Where do these dumbos come from?" Sin Bear certainly hasn't researched the DSM-5 to learn the true definition of pedophilia. A man between 40 and 60 years of age who is attracted to teenage girls is either a hebephile or an ephebophile, but most likely a teleiophile, which is the technical term for normies.

I'm sorry to disappoint you, Sin Bear, but a middle-aged man who gawks at a 15-year-old full-figured woman walking down the street in a sexy bikini is not going to kidnap and molest your children. Pedophilia has no relationship with any of the social constructs that fall under the umbrella of chronoastiphilia. I guess you're out of luck, Sin Bear, because nobody is going to buy into your pedophile-panic propaganda. At least no intelligent person will do so.

It's concerning to think that dunces like Sin Bear have actually bred children whom they will indoctrinate to believe the same puritanical garbage that they do. It's time to exhume the cadaver of the late Dr. Richard von Krafft-Ebing from his grave and throw it into the ocean for the sea creatures to devour it.

Does this woman actually believe that any man between 40 and 60 years of age who has admired the beauty of an adolescent girl even cares what she thinks about them? She's not bringing anything positive into their lives.

Throughout the United States, underage boys are forcibly raping adult women and subsequently screaming "statutory rape" after the police arrest them. Prosecutors are actually taking these punks' false allegations seriously. Sin Bear? What would you do if something like this were to happen to you?

I can tell you how it would all play out, Sin Bear. The underage rapist's parents would take their son's word over yours. Everybody would look at you as though you were the scum of society. Your husband would probably leave you. You would lose your kids. Prison would be a very brutal experience for you. You'd be on the sex-offender registry for life. You might even be branded a pedophile, even though you could never be one.

Sin Bear? You would be eating your own bitter words if an underage boy were to rape you and falsely accuse you of statutory rape after he claims that you seduced him. Juveniles rape other juveniles in detention facilities. Do you believe that they would hesitate to do the same to you? If you don't believe me, watch the video below.

A YouTuber Describes The Sexual Brutality Of American Juvenile Detention Centers

Now ask yourself this question, Sin Bear. Do society and the law really act fairly in stigmatizing and even persecuting adults who take an attraction to teenagers here in the United States? It certainly doesn't seem that way to me, but don't take my word for it. The truth would be way too much for you to handle.

2.  Facts Over Fiction

Some of you men out there between 40 and 60 years of age may be reading this article here of mine; and if you are, you may even agree with Sin Bear. Well, I'm going to test your overall perspective of this same topic. Allow me to show you two different videos and elicit your viewpoint on them.

Any man between 40 and 60 years of age who agrees with Sin Bear that all men in your age bracket who are attracted to teenage girls should be branded as pedophiles, ask yourselves this one question. Would you rather keep company with the dingbat in this one video below?

Cyndi Lauper Is An Aging Weirdo

Or would you rather keep company with the beautiful teenage woman in the video below?

Polina Is A Stunning Russian Girl Who Captivates The Hearts Of Teenage Boys And Adult Men Alike

There is no way that I can believe that you chose Cyndi Lauper over Polina. Polina will send your rocket to the moon in no time at all. Cyndi Lauper is repulsive.

Unless you've been an avid Cyndi-Lauper fan all your life, you have to admit how ridiculous Cyndi Lauper looks on stage, singing, "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" in spite of her 70-plus years of being alive. If you are like me, you probably wish that she would go into retirement and never show her face on camera again.

I've always thought that Cyndi Lauper was goofy. I wish people would stop picking on Madonna. Cyndi Lauper is older than Madonna. Madonna has always been cool short of the fact that she once wanted to blow up the White House. That itself was not so cool of her. In any event, I would rather go to a Madonna concert any day of the week before I would ever get near a Cyndi-Lauper concert

Those of you men between 40 and 60 years old who thought that you agreed with Sin Bear, don't be afraid to admit that you fantasized about being with Polina upon watching her in a sexy bikini. Even though you didn't understand a word of Russian that she spoke, you likely watched her video from beginning to end. It doesn't mean that you're not normal. It means that Sin Bear is intellectually bankrupt.

Geralt is the creator of this image;Source:   Pixabay

3.  Final Thoughts

Sin Bear typed on her Quora account "26 years of dealing with morons," when she is the real moron here. She frequently pulls out her pedophile wand and waves it at anyone she pleases with such arrogance and stupidity, when she couldn't care less about the facts. She lives in her make-believe world of age-appropriate perfection to the exclusion of reality.

Sin Bear? For your information, the Puritanical Establishment is not always right about everything. I know that I probably will not hear back from you regarding this article here of mine, unless you decide to join the PEAKD writing platform. If you do, what are you going to write about? You're merely another sheep who follows the herd. I'd couldn't be any happier if you would crawl back underneath the rock from whence you came.

Sin Bear? Nobody is interested in your pedophile-panic propaganda. There are too many intelligent people in the world for everyone to take a dunce like you seriously. Go back to your housework and childrearing. Because of women like you, feminism is failing. Not that I have anything against feminism. I simply have no use for you or your kind.

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