From Party Boy to Blackout Artist to Sobriety! How One Man Turned His Life Around.

18 MONTHS SOBER & CLEAN! ✅⁠ Another Huge Milestone 🗓⁠

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HUGE @recoveryinc shoutout to Patrick and his 18 months of sobriety!

"On the 29/07/2019 something finally cracked inside me and I admitted I was powerless to alcohol and drugs! 🙏⁠

At around 8am I finished off my last bit of sniff and beer, I had pains in my chest and ached head to toe. I’d been at it, straight through crew for 5 days and my body was rejecting the drink.⁠

I heard my two children I’d hid my problem from by disappearing for days on end for so long, getting up for the day. I asked if they’d get me some water. My 5 year old girl said “I’ll get you a drink Daddy Pat, do you want beer? You like beer don’t you”! 😢⁠

My heart broke in two! 💔⁠

Something inside me snapped! I cried my eyes out as I was losing everything. I was an out of control blackout artist. What kind of role model was I!!!⁠

That morning as I sobered up, I rang Bupa and was taken to my Mums till I could go to Rehab. I was admitted to the Priory Woodbourne in Birmingham in Early August for 6 weeks which helped me to change my life for good! 🙌⁠

It’s not easy and I think about drink daily, but I’m comfortable with the fact I’m an alcoholic.⁠

It’s a progressive disease that gets worse and worse till it breaks you. But I’m in a great place now and I want to thank everyone who has helped me on my journey so far! 👊⁠

One Day At A Time! ❤️ -Patrick"

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