Colorado Carb Porn (Sugar Coated Soapapillas)

I am currently slipping into a minor sugar coma after eating 3 2/3 of these, but mmmmm I needed that. I was having a major craving for greasy food. Since @lyndsaybowes is always showing us her carb porn, here's some of mine:

Aw yus

How to make:

4 cups all purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
4 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 1/2 - 2 cups water (start low, but I had to add)
Olive oil for frying
Metric fucktons of powdered sugar (a very precise measurement)

Mix the flour, baking powder, and salt; add the coconut oil and water (normally I try and cut in coconut oil/butter/marg/lard/shortening/whatever you use into dough, but it's been in the mid 90s Fahrenheit, so my coconut oil was liquid and I said fuck it). Mix into a smooth dough. Cover and let rest for twenty-ish minutes. Roll out to 1/4 - 1/8" thick, aim for the thinner side. Cut with a pizza cutter (pro tip!) into whatever shape your little heart desires. Fry until golden - they should puff up. Straight from the fryer, toss into a paper bag filled with your gobs of powdered sugar. Shake. Serve warm/hot, but don't burn yourself!

Yeah, I just upturned the bag into my bowl, which is why there's a pile of sugar in it. I'll return that excess to the bag and reuse it when I fry up the others later

You can freeze this dough and cook just a few at a time if you want - I recommend layering it between wax paper before you freeze.

Happy Phe Belleh is happy. #soapapillasunday

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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