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Soap making

It's been some time I haven't made any soap and I feel like making some new ones soon.
Still have to think about shapes, colors & future use of it and I can start again.
Normally I give them all away and make people happy.
They really like it and I'm so pleased with their feedback.
I even manage to sell some, too.

I've learned how to make soap from YouTube video tutorials.
There are so many wonderful videos out there so everyone can learn.
First time I did it was 3 years ago and was so, so happy with the results and so pleased with myself. ;-)
For that one I used olive oil, some lemon and rosemary .
It looked like this:

I make my soaps using mainly olive oil only, mashed fruits, dried herbs (such as lavender) and just sometimes very little essential oils. I do not use any artificial colors so all colors on my soap come out from fruits or herbs I mix in.

I made my last soap during the summer, a bit more than 2 months ago. Banana, kiwi, peach & vanilla beans soap.

For that one I used home made olive oil, banana, kiwi, peach & vanilla beans. No artificial colors were added.

It's a very rich soap, beneficial for the skin, leaving it soft and moisturized.
I left some of it for me too (I really like this one!) but all the rest was given away to some friends on various occasions. It's nice feeling when people appreciate your work and wont some more of it.

Here are some photos of different types of soaps by me.

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