Anachron a Brief Introduction

Hello all, I am Anachron of Kotu. As my name denotes, my path through time is a bit disjointed much like the popular character Dr. Who. Think "Anachronism" From my perspective my adventures in the Snorfkingdom are already the stuff of legends and I my friends here are solid and dear. But everything must have its beginning, and. . . well it seems this is the moment for that. So, good day to you and I look forward to a more proper introduction when I have a fancier tool to use. I look back with fondness of these moments of first meetings with you and am excited to experience those memories for the first time.

Some have called me a wizard, some a scientist, still others a healer, or miracle worker, but, my life, like a blockchain, is a series of moments forever written on the pages of time and I embrace each one with the wonder and awe of a child.

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