Sněžka / Śnieżka Hiking Trip!

At 1603 meters, this mountain isn't really anything to write home about. But it was a significant achievement for me, so I thought I'd share xD

And hey, the scenery weren't bad at all!

Nothing much for the poor medical student studying in Poland to do. So, of course, the logical thing was to go on a trip with friends during Easter break!


For most hikers, this would probably be a piece of cake. I, on the other hand, am not even close to being well-endowed in the department of physical prowess, let alone a hiker. After driving up close to 1200m, that was when we started. All in all, the climb to the top was "only" 403 meters. Easy, right?


Well, the snow and wind were our constant companions on the way up. And the 30 degree incline at some slopes were really taking a toll on my legs. But we DID manage to get up to the top! +1 point for me yay!


Next time I come, I'm going to snowboard instead of hike lolz


Oh, and HELLOOOO Czech Republic!

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