Sndbox Summer Camp Art - Task 02 : [ Showcasing Sketching Community ]


For this second task for the Sndbox Summer Camp ART week from @anomadsoul & @guyfawkes4-20, were asked to showcase our skills in making artworks related to Sndbox.

To answer this call, at first i was thinking to make some graphic artwork such the usual @sndbox or @creativecrypto challenges using sndbox logo and typography such the one i'd done for State of the Sndbox thumbnail competition few times back. But my second thought took my instinct to take a different path. I revisited Sndbox pages and revolt back to the fundamental of the existence of Sndbox as an "incubator for creative and communities".

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So i chose to show my best skill of my own that resonates perfectly with creativity and community; my current work and doctoral research, in the ART OF URBAN SKETCHING. I dont think i need to elaborate about it as much on that here as ive already explain it thoroughly on my first task.

A sketch in public.

How do you work under pressure? How do you like when theres a lot of eyes staring at what you are doing? Do you have the confidence to deliver up to the expectation of the crowd that is giving their attention while you are drawing?


Well i guess thats the skill that i want to share with you guys here. :)

Earlier this week i was travelling with my family to Shanghai, China and I had the chance to visit the Tianzi Fang Market.

Tianzifang or Tianzi Fang is a touristic arts and crafts enclave that has developed from a renovated traditional residential area in the French Concession area of Shanghai, China. It is now home to boutique shops, bars and restaurants. - wiki

Well known among the arts and craft lovers, the market also a haven for those who appreciate architectural detailing and clever use of small spaces. Most of the buildings there are influenced by the French styles including the restaurants and cafes. Street foods, souvenirs, galleries are everywhere. It was like being a maze as after few minutes of walking through, you will lose the sense of direction. It does reminds me so much of Venice, rather than Paris for me. lol.


The map guide of the 'maze'.


Near the entrance there was this young man was really preoccupied on doing some cut-out portraits there along the street, and there were quite a number of people gathering around him. He was just minding his own thing delicately. I was inspired.

We went there on a public holiday so it was jammed packed with people.


Nevertheless, i came in the are with one goal, to have a recorded sketch somewhere to highlight the sense of place of the market. I have already packed my table tripod and sketching tools, finding for the best spot for me to sketch.

Then I was lured to this cafe called Alley 'Caffe' and Bar. Yes its Caffee, not Coffee. lol.



It was a nice cafe with an outdoor seatings that i find exciting to sit down and observe the environment closely as well as to see how people will react with me sketching there.


I sat there with my whole family for our lunch so i can spend more time for the sketch. There was this lady from the cafe were wearing a cordless mic were promoting the shop just behind me when i was sketching.


She was the first person to spot me sketching there. She took some photos and continued promoting. Im not so sure what she was promoting about because she was speaking chinese, but after that passerby started to stop and start crowding behind me. Im pretty sure she was talking about


The sketch.

Heres the timelapse video of the sketch. :)




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