Hi Steem... ;) Long time no see.

So, I'll probably be posting here again sometimes, and it is all thanks to discovering this new project (which is thanks to @isaria!).

SNAX is a promising start-up blockchain project that will let you earn tokens throough posting on various other platforms, including non-crypto related ones! Right now, they've only set up Twitter and Steemit, but apparently many more platforms will be added in the future. I'm particularly looking forward to Instagram and Youtube, since I use those quite a lot. (Well, Instagram less so nowadays, but that'll change too now ;P).

Just by linking my Steemit and Twitter accounts, I've already received 100 SNAX ... And doing this bounty post, I'm apparently going to receive about 836 SNAX! =) (Based on how many followers one has). Future rewards are going to be based on interactivity metrics like how many comments/likes, etc. your content gets.

I see this as a huge potential for getting people who have never really gotten into crypto, into crypto. So now's the time to get all those friends and family members who are tired of you talking about your crypto adventures to join the dark side!

@isaria's post about this is much more interesting and fun to read so go check it out.

And then go check out the SNAX website itself =)

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