Does this pic freak you out?
Don't be such a wuss please. You are a biped tool user hominoid with opposable thumbs! That's a fucking worm you're looking at comparatively and you're scared of it. That's my immediate reaction to snakephobes. You're actually not.
You are scared by your brains chemical reaction. You're a human brave enough to have come to this water planet that is screaming it's way across unknown space and time at millions of mph (that's right, you chose this life) and it's snakes that are freaking you out. Or spiders or mice or whatever. Fear is a programmed visual/audio/chemical response. Unless you like being a wuss, go reprogram yourself. Do it for all the helpless little reptiles who are and rightfully should be WAY more scared of you. Do it so you stop projecting your unrealistic fears onto others. We have science. Lets leave the superstition to the thumbless worms.

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