snails are very useful for health, do you want to try it ???


Good morning steemians.

The benefits of snail meat may be a very fierce debate in various countries, because these animals are not common in eating. Snails can also be called snails or snails. Many also call snail as a tutut. Although physically different shapes, yet they all belong to the mollusk family, and share the same shell as their home.

Nutritional Content of Snail Meat

There are some researchers who say that on 100gr snail meat, contains 12gr animal protein, and it only contains 1% fat content. So it is suitable as an alternative to the usual red meat you consume.

About Snails

Snails are often considered pests. This is indeed understandable, because the snail can damage the plants, in addition to snail growth is not controlled. The population of snails is very much, making these small animals become pests and become enemies for farmers, because the snails can damage their crops.

With the latin name Achatina Fulica, the snail belongs to the genus Achatina, which is part of the Mollusca phylum and is a genus of Gastrophoda. Wikipedia itself says that snails originally came from the mainland of Africa, which then spread throughout the world as carried in the process of trading. Its small and easy to breed make the current snail population is very much, so it becomes a pest that is quite hated.

Meat Consumption Snail
Although the snail is a pest, it turns out many people who keep snails. There are also people who love to consume snail meat. The trend of eating snail meat has been around since the days of Roman emperors of yore, and it continues to this day.

In France, snails have the name escargot, which is one of the mainstay menus in various famous restaurants in France.

In Indonesian itself snails are also popular for consumption, by making snail sate with additional peanut seasoning. In addition, a close friend of snails, that is tutut, is also popular for consumption, usually tutut made into a soup with additional spice - spice a la Indonesian.


benefits of snail meat:

Good for the Development of Muscles.

Snail meat, Why snail meat is good for muscle development? This is due to the high content of animal protein and amino acid content in snail meat. Already know the function of protein and amino acids? Yes, for those of you who are fitness mania, this substance is important to increase ototo mass and can help the development of muscle aga to be better.

However, snails are not only useful for you fitness mania, snail meat is certainly also useful for those of you who are not fitness mania. Animal protein content can make your muscles more developed, and if your muscles are more developed, then your physical strength will be even better.

Actually there has been no scientific research that says that substances found in snail meat can cure asthma. But there are some cases and testimony from the public saying that snail meat can help the process in curing asthma.

Give snail meat regularly in people with asthma, then over time, the symptoms of asthma from the patient will disappear, and finally the asthma patient is healed. There are many sharing experiences about the benefits of snail meat.

Cure TB Disease.
Respiratory respirators such as asthma can indeed be cured when eating snail meat regularly although not yet found scientifically. Still from the disease that attacks the breathing and make shortness of breath, snail meat also can help you who are stricken with tuberculosis. Logically, if the snail can cure asthma, then there is true snail meat can also help the healing of TB disease, which incidentally also attacked the breathing.

Still the same, although there is no scientific research on this subject, but apparently, there are also many testimony from TB patients who say that snail meat is able to help the healing of TB disease.

As already noted, the close relatives of snails are also consumed in the form of a lot of berkuah su. Usually the sauce from this tutut blended from the spices - herbs of Indonesia, such as ginger and turmeric. Mangkonsumsi spicy soup this spicy fruit has its own benefits. In addition you can get the benefits mentioned above, this soup can also be used to relieve heat in.

This is more due to the content of the spices contained in the soup. But with the addition of meat tutut, then you will feel the herbal soup is very unique taste, and it was also very tasty.

Good For Liver Treatment and Hepatitis.

There are so many klini - alternative medicine clinics that recommend to consume certain animal flesh to cure the disease. One of them is snail meat. Some alternative medicine clinics advise their patients to consume snails to help cure liver and hepatitis diseases.

Those were some of the benefits of snail meat. Although there are still many scientifically proven snail benefits, there are many testimonies and recognition from the community that snail meat has remarkable properties. Suggestion? I have no idea. Apart from that, every animal product that can be consumed must have its own benefits for those who consume it. With such benefits, are you interested in trying to taste snail meat?

Regards @hazmisyahputra

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