Smoking kills, so why do people do it? The use of the biopsychosocial model

Smoking kills, so why people do it? This question can have many of us, but the answer may be found at the end of this article.

The history of smoking is long, however in England it has been known since 1565. Actually it was Columbus (Tobacco, 1995-2016) who found it in America and brought it in Europe afterwards. In the 16th century people started noticing bad effects of smoking on the health such as damage of the brain and lungs (Science Museum). What is more it can cause cancer and in some cases even the death as it was discovered in 1964 in the USA (CNN, 2015). Not only smokers were affected by this bad habit, also non-smokers did by breathing toxic chemicals situated inside of tobacco and cigarette (American Cancer Society, 2015).

Nowadays smoking of e-cigarettes has been more popular than smoking of typical cigarettes. More than 6 million (Cancer) people die every year in the world and in the UK it is about 100 000 (Patient). Why do people still like it then? I will look at three types of people by using the biopsychosocial model as a help to understand them as a whole. This will allow me to look at each type from all possibilities. Person one may be anyone either girl or boy, who smokes as much as the members of the family. This fact means that it is in genes within the body. All factors that are given to us will lead us by particular way to the creation of our personality (Psychology Today, 2013). Emotions are involved as well here as a part of the action that has been taken what resulted in smoking. In the society where somebody smokes the others are more attracted to do so (Ash 2015). All factors make sense for the person who decided to start smoking. The effects of the smoking dependent on the age when this person started. It is harder to stop when human starts as a teenager than later (Kids Health). People just get used to it (American Cancer Society, 2015). On the other hand, being smoker as a teenager has been proved as a more dangerous with the result of getting cancer around the age of 50 (McFadden, 2015).

The second person teens as a teenager will struggle with health problems sooner than her or his peers who would start as adults (NHS, 2015). Unfortunately, teenagers try to do forbidden things what can have also the impact of hormones at them. It does not have to be only low social income group from where these teens can come from, also rich people smoke. However, there is evidence that poorer people can die sooner than richer (Ash, 2012). Actually the smoking has been the way how to escape from everything and also can be found as the relax by smokers ( McFadden, January 11). Is there any other way how to escape? The answer is to find how to get through our feelings when something does not work. By the understanding of yourself is possible to sort it out the situation what can be taken as an escape’’ (Psychology Today, 2010).

The last case study of the third person is about woman possible man if there is some case. I will consider woman as an example of this research. She wants to be skinny (Williams, 2011) and good looking therefore she can be affected by anxiety. From some reason there is biological factor why she cannot be so skinny as her peers. The emotions make the person feel lost without not belonging anywhere. So the smoking is the reason of belonging to the group and as the escape from the world where she does not feel comfortable. The action against the smoking should be taken by understanding of yourself. If it imagines for us the hunger that we try to avoid it, then we will reach for cigarette (Williams, 2011). This woman possibly wanted to avoid the lunch so then she smoked cigarette. Looking at this from other possibility there has been proof of that woman can smoke from the making her calm. While man can take it as ,,fun’’ what can mean the being ,,cool’’, the woman can be just stressed (Daily Mail, 2013). So it is all about our soul and feeling comfortable with the situation.


As we face the world so the world faces us. We try to get on with that our way. The smoking has been found many people who were influenced by it as a result of their problem. By reviewing the three case studies about the person who smokes and his or her family as well, the second one as a teenager trying to escape from the everyday problems and the woman or maybe man who wants to be attractive for yourself, brings the effective the points of view. There are these points:

First of all, it is very clear that social group has big impact on us and therefore we are likely to be attractive to listen to this.
Secondly our psychological factors as feelings or other words said emotions play very important role by making decisions what will affect our behaviour.
And at the last biology will never leave us alone in this. It means if we say that we are not going to be as our mother or father, so then it does not mean that it will happen like that. Our genes are what we have got from our parents so it is not possible to avoid them. Sooner or later they will catch us.
People smoke from many reasons but it has been the evidence about the reasons why. Mostly it has been an escape as a solution for making yourself relax. In the fact the relax is the right word why people do this. If there is other way to be believed as the solution, it may be different and people will stop smoking. The question will be then can we stop people from the feeling of relax after smoking? If yes, how?

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