Smoke Network

My love for is so great,
So, I decided to join
Now I see a much higher picture,
smoke, smoked till you get paid.

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Tell me what you think about my poem,
Wondering in my mind if you see my points,
smoking is not all we do on,
But educate smokers on cannabis benefits.

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Now that I have some point to make,
I want you to know the types of cannabis,
We have the Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis,
I poem about the looks and the effects.

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Now to write about Cannabis sativa,
Which has light green skinner leaves,
Which will sharpen your mind,
while you have an euphoric feeling.

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None the less how you may feel,
Remember it makes you energize,
While you have an uplifting feel,
I recommend this use on sunrise.

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Now to write about Cannabis Indica,
Which has dark green broader leaves,
Which relax your body as it occurs,
I recommend this use as the sunsets.

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Don't want to write about the Ruderalis,
But will write a short story next time,
Not much talk about Cannabis Ruderalis,
But I sure will make it fun next time.

Remember all poems are composed and written by Poetryinaction

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