Project Smile Contest: Smile, Laugh, Be happy.


As a graduating student, there comes a moment when you’ll feel so down, stressed, and tired. And as an individual, sadness, pain, and emotional thoughts comes along the way. There are lots of things that’ll make you so damaged, feel incomplete, exhausted, or what so ever.

But aside those negative feelings or emotions that you or we were feeling, we have to look forward to those things that really matters to life. Happiness. Smile. Laughter. An unexplainable feelings that we might feel.

Tired? Smile.
Stressed? Smile.
Get into lots of works and don’t know which one to do first? Smile.
Get hurt? Smile.
Got unsolved problems? Smile.

Everything gets better when we get to start our day with a smile. A smile that we should always carry. Should always wear. Not as an attractive one but as an inspiration to other people and a positive vibe to yourself as well.

Getting ready for school was really tiring. I know you know it. Just by thinking that “Oh, It’s Monday, again” makes you so sad, annoyed, or what. But.. with the tiring day that we’re going to have, we have to think that with all the efforts that we’ve done, we gain something. Another knowledge that can be shared by everyone. And that thing. Should make you smile.

I get tired, I get hurt, I get sad, I felt unwanted by some, I get feelings I never wanted to feel. Yes, I felt those things but I kept moving forward. With a smile.

For what reason? It is because of my family and my friends.


My family’s always there to support me with whatever challenges I am going through. They’re always there to bring me up, to make me feel better, to guide me, and to show me how much they love and care for me.



My friends are there to cheer me up and make me feel better with whatever I am feeling. They are there to listen to everything that we were ranting about. Happy or sad moments, they are there to be with you-to be with us. They are there whenever we felt so lazy studying for tomorrow’s exam. (hahaha kidding) There are also persons out there making us feel wanted, important, and everything.


Among all my friends, she was the one I love the most. I love bullying! Hahahah joke. She makes me smile a lot with all her dramas, jokes, and weird and unique personality.


Well, this was my super pretty friend.This photo was takes for like 3 years ago? Yeah, I miss her so much. She’s so funny to be with and this kind of person will surely make us smile all the time.

Baking also makes me smile! I love food. Food’s the ultimate reason behind my smile. Hahahajk. I have posted lot of food here in my blog so it really made me smile a lot. Food is life, everyone. Food is life.

Steemit, as well. With every posts that I am doing, I know there are people appreciating and giving importance to whatever post I am posting.



Another thing, who among you wouldn’t smile if you have such a cute dog like him? Ughhh. Though, he’s so naughty and loud, I love him so much!

Everyone around you, around us is important and is a source of happiness. It’s just with us on how are we going to digest everything. Let’s cherish every moment that we had with those important persons in our lives. Families, friends, a special someone. Let’s appreciate everything in this world because everything, everyone in this world deserves an appreciation. Let’s not regret living our life by not making it an awesome one. Let’s thank everyone for everything they’re doing or sacrificing for us.

So for my family and friends, thank you for making me smile, laugh, and happy. You’re the best thing that had ever happened in my life. The best blessing that I have ever received from Him; and will always be. I love you so much, guys!

There are lots of things to make us smile. Lots of reason to make us happy. We just have to think that every sad moments were just a challenge for us to overcome. And by that, we can live our life to the fullest, having positive thoughts, positive vibes, and positive life that’ll keep us from moving forward and from smiling all throughout the day.

So guys, don’t forget to wear the most precious thing that you could ever wear for your entire life. Your smile. :)

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