Valuable values value

There are so many sources of income available but supreme among them is VALUE
Passionately studying wealth and income, there is always a value created or established from a wealthy individual's business type.
Value takes into cognizance the impact released or offered in exchange for monetary benefit.
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Value represents quality, honesty and service delivered
When I pondered on cryptocurrency and the block chain in it's entirety, what comes to my mind firstly, is the value added to humanity by Cryptography.
This generation is so lucky and opportune to be part of the Internet era and particularly Crypto.

Price is what you pay
Value is what you get
Warren Buffet

Value is a component force that if harnessed could make a Fellow and if abused could mar an individual.
I think Value when I watch the game of football....
The round leather game comes with loads of lessons and 'Value' is one of it.
It isn't about working solo to aim for a goal shot Nah!...Team play in football makes dream work. Now...That's value

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In the game of Scrabble, Value plays a veritable role too....
The quantity of numbers ascribed to the letters you picked doesn't matter what matters is how you utilize it. That's value!

Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money but can't get more time
Jim Rohn

Add value and keep adding value....

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