The eye of sauron


I have a strange attraction for all the sunsets in the world, it is the most romantic moment to be with the love of your life, it is the best time to look at the sun without going blind, it is the farewell of this giant that gives life to the planet to find it at dawn, it does not matter if you do not have a clock at this moment you know that the day is over and you bid farewell to the most beautiful colors in the world ...

Although it lasts a short time where I live, I enjoy it to the fullest and it makes me sad to have to wait 24 hours to be under its light and under its shadow at the same time

Tengo una extraña atraccion por todos los atardeceres en el mundo, es el momento mas romantico para estar con el amor de tu vida, es el mejor momento para mirar el sol sin quedarse ciego, es la despedida de este gigante que le da vida al planeta para encontrarlo al amanecer, no importa no tener reloj en este momento sabes que se acaba el dia y se despide regalandote los colores mas hermosos del mundo...

Aunque dura poco tiempo donde vivo lo disfruto al maximo y me da pena tener que esperar 24 horas para estar bajo su luz y bajo su sombra al mismo tiempo

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