[Surfer's log] Campus Point, UCSB

Today's topic for the #smartphonephotography contest is Light. Here is what I have to say about that.

My husband calls me "my vampiric wife" because I usually go to bed around three a.m. We are opposite in many ways: height, nationalities, bad habits, etc. While he naturally wakes with the birds, I love the star light and sleeping till noon. I've always been like this, a night owl. So, you can consider all the sunrise and early morning surf pictures that I post in this blog a testament of my grit)))) Waking up at 6 a.m. is a torture for me. But sometimes we have to suffer for our art!;)

The picture is taken with my Xiaomi Redmi at 6 am this morning at Campus Point, another famous Santa Barbara surf spot. More shots of actual surfing in my next post! I need some time to sort them out;)


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