Fishing at Mindarie Marina


today my friend @t-kashi and I decided to go for a bit of a fish just down the road in Mindarie Marina.
It was a relatively good afternoon with a bit of a breeze but not unbearable. We got quite a lot of bites before finally catching our first fish


This is a Western Butterfish caught by @t-kashi


This one I caught which was the biggest fish of the day 😂 and it’s called a trumpeter. They are called this because of the noise they make after being taken from the water


This cute little fella is a pink snapper and was the most common catch of our fishing trip today

Fishing is one of my most favourite things to do if we aren’t busy on a weekend. It makes me feel relaxed and I love the feeling after you hook on a fish and you reeling it in and waiting to see what you have caught. I also feel like fishing helps me to relax and have a bit of fun

If any of you would like to go and give @t-kashi a follow that would be awesome. He is my best mate and I have just started to teach him about steemit and he is very keen to start his own account and experience how steemit works.

I hope everyone has had another brilliant day and enjoys this post, I’ll see you guys again soon.

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