"Doing the garden digging the weeds"

"Who could ask for more"

The words of that fabulous old Beatles tune ring so true the older one gets.

Remembering to truly appreciate the simple things that this life has to offer.


It's hard to believe that just four days ago we had the central heating on full blast and in the last few days we have glorious sunny weather at 30°.


The first dry day we had was on Wednesday and the grass was looking like a wheat field. It was so tall. Cutting wet grass is a non starter for me. It's way too claggy.
So the next day the sun shone again and we whipped out the lawnmower.


We passed the mower over the grass twice, once high and then low settings to get it down to lawn level.

It was a mission accomplished moment.


Today (Saturday) we saw the first flowers spring up and of course they were the 'weeds'.


We are of the belief that there is no such thing as a weed! We are not farmers or growing food plants at the moment.

They are beautiful if you take the time to look at them and they are great at improving the soil as they fix nitrogen and they attract insects.


We can learn a lot from weeds. They are tough, resilient and early colonisers of new territories.

So "doing the garden and digging the weeds" for me means.
Enjoying the weeds and appreciating their valuable contribution.

Have a fab day and sing along with the Beatles.


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