Your Cryptocurrency at work – New Greenworks Lawnmower

Recently, before the drop in BTC value I cashed out some crypto and purchased a new lawnmower and string trimmer. I would have never bought these things if it were not for the help of coins like Steem. With this downturn in prices it helps me to remind myself of how much my life has improved because of my efforts.

What kinds of things have you purchased, or how has your life changed from crypto?

I really didn’t need a new lawnmower, I have used a push mower for years. As I have aged this has become more difficult though and I have a pain in my side that gets worse when I do this activity. The grass grows so fast in the spring that I finally decided that I should spend a little to make my life easier.

I used to have an electric mower before I got the push mower but I didn’t like it that much. It used an extension cord that I would often wrap around trees and worry about running over with the mower. I never had an accident with it but I imagine that running over the cord would not be fun.

I ended up trading my cord powered electric mower to an older gentleman for the nice push mower that I really enjoyed.

Now I’m older and the push mower is getting less use and I have a nice battery powered electric mower. This is a really nice Greenworks mower, I’m very happy with it. I used it to do my entire yard and put the same battery into the string trimmer and cleaned up the edges. When I was done the battery was only half depleted and it charged back up really fast.

I used the mower to mulch the grass clippings so I didn’t need to bag anything. When I was done the yard didn’t have a lot of grass clippings on it, like it does from the push mower, and I just cleaned out some of the mulch from the mower and put it under my rock rose bushes.

Greenworks mower – click for viewing full screen

This mower is really quiet. It justs purrs along on a slow speed most of the time but when I was doing the high grass on the side of yard it went automatically into high speed. There was plenty of power with the 60 volt battery to cut the overgrown grass. With my push mower I would really have to work to cut the thick high grass.

It does make enough noise so that the little frogs that I see in the spring time jump out of the way. Here’s one that was trying to hide by the foundation on the house when it heard the mower coming.

Frog hiding by the house foundation – click for viewing full screen

Another nice thing about this mower is that it does not pollute much. Most of the electricity around here is generated through hydroelectric power plants and wind farms.

There is no gas to mess with and worry about spilling. No tune ups, oil or maintenance to worry about. Just plug in the battery and mow. Very easy and fun.

I’ll probably still use the push mower sometimes if the grass is mostly dried out and my side is not bothering me. I like using that too.

The new mower stores really well, here’s a comparison of the old and new mowers:

Old and new mowers – click for viewing full screen

The new string trimmer is really high powered. Even on the low setting it is more than enough to do what I need it for very fast. The older string trimmer that I had used a 24 volt lead acid type battery. The battery was expensive to replace and did not last that long. With a push mower, I was always overusing my string trimmer and running the battery down, but now with the newer mover I probably could have spared the expense of upgrading the trimmer. The problem with this old design is that it is hard to swap out the battery if you run it down in the middle of a job and it takes a long to recharge.

The new trimmer uses the same battery as the mower so I can easily swap batteries if I need to.

I will probably give away my old trimmer now.

Old and new trimmers – click for viewing full screen

These new battery powered electric tools are great. I was looking at the equipment that a lawn care service was using and wondering why they still used gas powered stuff. If I was working all day doing this type of work I would much rather have a less noisy mower that didn’t pollute, especially if I was breathing the fumes all day.

Thanks for reading! I always value your comments and support. Photos were taken by me with my Galaxy S7 and S9 plus.

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