Raindrops On Roses 🌹

Okay they're not Roses. They’re African Irises. That’s just the thought that popped into my head when I walked outside and saw them. These lovelies are outside the office where I work and I just LOVE to photograph flowers. I walked outside and saw that more of them had decided to bloom and I just couldn’t resist capturing these. It had also just rained and I LOVE water droplets. A very happy and feel amazing moment and to not photograph it would have been unforgiveable.

My boss thought I was nuts hahaha. There I was hunched over on my knees taking photographs of the flowers! One of the customers from the building next door had a good chuckle too. They obviously don’t understand a ‘moment’ when they see one! I was like a little kid. A kiddy with happiness and filled with wonder, as I hunched over capturing one shot after the other. Don’t even get me started on the moment when the sun came out from behind the clouds. I ran out there like a maniac trying to get some ‘good light’ shots before the sun disappeared again.

Damn wind ruined a few though. I was also so upset that I didn’t have my trusty Nikon with me. I’m old school. I prefer taking my photos with my eyes peering through a peep hole. Not holding a cellphone at ridiculous angles as it touches the foliage and upsets my delicate flower. You want macro shots, you need a still subject, otherwise it just blurs.

When I eventually got the elements under control, I had another problem that I had to deal with. You see, I was so excited about the shot that I started shaking. Which again blurred the image. Damn. I still wish I had my other camera with me. It’s so much easier to hold and control than a cellphone.

Water droplet in motion. Look towards the middle of the flower 😉

Sure, the tech is amazing with the cellphone but it still doesn’t feel the same for me. I shockingly still miss taking my tiny roll of film in and waiting an hour before I see what the results are, hahaha. It adds to the magic and it adds to the excitement. Sure, I’ve saved a lot of money but sometimes I miss the anticipation. You know, that moment when you collect and get a warm envelope of photos packed into your hand, the laughter as you see some of them and the excitement of going home to place them into your photo album. With digital I just don’t experience that. I always say I’m going to print them out and I never do.

I really enjoyed taking these today. I felt like I did all those years ago when I first picked up a camera. The whole experience made me happy and I’m really pleased with the shots that I now get to add to my collection. Here’s hoping that I can get some of them printed 😉

Thank you for reading and remember to keep smiling 😊
All photos were taken by me 😊, with my Samsung Galaxy S8.

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone


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