Smartphone Photography - Flower to the People #3

Hello Steemians!

This week's installment of Flower to the People features blue Hydrangea!

Hydrangea! One of my all-time favorite flowers! I rarely buy them because they are expensive and can wilt pretty quickly! However, since it's my 26th wedding anniversary on Monday, I thought to treat my husband and myself to a lovely bouquet of the flowers we had at our wedding. Well, at one of our weddings as we married in NYC and again in Tehran and then yet again in the North of Iran in a town called Gonbad, where my husband's parents are from originally. That's a total of three wedding folks! It was fun but dizzying! In any case, I placed them at the window as they seamed happiest there! And I thought they looked grand in a blue jug. What do you think?



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