How these pictures found me

Although I take pictures almost (if not) every day, this was a time that I've spent days taking pictures and getting frustrated because I did not feel satisfied with the results, some were "okay" I guess, I still uploaded one of them on Instagram, but I knew I could take a picture way better than that. 

I got used to have some company when I took pictures on the street, it feels safer that way and it's good to have someone who can keep an eye on the area, specially in Venezuela. One afternoon I really felt the need with all my heart to take pictures somewhere outdoors, I texted a friend if she could give me some company in that journey but she was busy. I was anxious and not sure if taking the risk of going out alone on the street with my cellphone. After a while I said to myself: 

Look man, you have to take risks if you want to make art, therefore if you feel the need to go outside and take pictures just fucking do that, maybe you'll feel satisfied with the results and hopefully it'll be worth it. 

I grabbed my cellphone, my wallet and my keys and went outside. I started walking and searching for images, moments, something that could catch my attention. It was almost 6 o'clock. I looked at the mountain and it was beautiful, so I pulled out my cellphone and took some pictures. When I was doing that a suspicious man with a motorcycle passed nearby me and I got scared (venezuelans know what I'm talking about). He kept going his way so I relaxed for a little bit but got paranoid, what if he turns around and comes back? I said, well, a few seconds later he was turning around. I ran as hell. Maybe he was not going to rob me but I can't think like that, not in this country hehe. While I was running I felt the adrelanine rushing through my veins, I was in joy for a second because I felt alive. Turns out the guy did not follow me (thank God). I got to a park which I always pass by but never in my life had I ever entered there. The sun was setting, the lightning was beautiful and there was nobody in the park. I pulled out my phone again and started taking pictures and:

All were taken with the camera of the Samsung Galaxy S5

It was beautiful. I got to feel the warm rays of the sun on my skin, the refreshing wind that slightly moved the trees. I felt peace. Needless to say I was happy and satisfied with what I've accomplished in this little adventure. These pictures remind me of how everything grows and it's connected in (with) life.

I'll be glad if you guys give me an upvote and I welcome you to the comment section if you want to say something :)

See you guys on my next post!

Instagram and Twitter: @edgartuaty

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