fish cultivation


Who is a culinary lover who does not know this famous famous Canteen grouper all over the world and the price is high. This grouper fish is famous for its delicious delicacy, high nutrient content to make this fish much in demand both consumers and farmers.

Currently grouper is a cultivated fish that is being developed to be exported overseas with a high enough value and at the same time to meet the needs of domestic and foreign markets.

The main advantage of Cantang Grouper is speed
the growth of 2 x fold from tiger grouper fish commonly cultivated by society. When the tiger grouper is raised both in ponds and in floating net cages to achieve consumption sizes of 500 grams takes 9-10 months with 1: 7 feed conversion (meaning to produce 1 kg of tiger grouper fish required 7 kg feed), if this grouper is only takes 4 - 5 months only with the conversion of feed 1: 7.

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