Help me I’m addicted to my smartphone

It’s thin, fits perfectly in our hands and is mostly colored in black or silver – a smartphone. Almost everyone has such a device and makes big usage of it, regardless where you are and all day long. But why are we so addicted to our smart device nowadays?

For a start, let’s take a look at the global distribution of possessing a smartphone, a traditional cellphone or even no phone. What we easily can recognize when looking at the different percentages in the chart below is the significant growth of smartphone users worldwide. At the same time, the amount of non-owners is getting smaller and smaller each year. Consequentially, the risk of become addicted is also raising. Therefore, it is high time to talk about how to cope with this kind of addiction and to provide an antidote.

Source: BetaBait,

For all the addicts out there, by following those three tips below you will be able to break away from your device very soon – promised!

1. Blub, Dingdong, BzzBzz, Ping

Almost full-automatically and non-controllable does our hand slide into our bag or trouser pocket and grabs the mobile device for checking it after we heart a ringer. Even though, when it wasn’t even the sound of our phone that appears, but yes – better check. First of all, just mute your device. Since we don’t hear ring tones anymore when we get a message or a pop-up, we will stop acting on command of the phone. Nothing is more stressing than being each few minutes distracted by a ringer, be it at work or at home. In the very beginning you might look after your phone more often, but after a while you will get used to it. From then on it is no longer the phone which controls you.

2. What time is it?

Secondly, accustom yourself to make usage of a watch - a real watch. For sure, date and time is precisely displayed on your smartphone but this might be one of the major reasons why you’re forced to check your device. Having a watch on your wrist provides you a much better alternative since you’re no longer seduce to follow some new pop-ups or other notifications when just checking the time. And by the way, wearing a vintage watch makes you more stylish than any smartphone can.

3. Break up the adhesion

Finally, try to keep distance to your phone when it’s not already grown on you. Most of the people carry their smartphone in their trouser pocket due to the fast accessibility. Beside the fact that mobile radiation can impair your physical health on long-term, wearing a smart device directly on your body gives you best opportunity to access it with or without substantial reason. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to put all the electronic staff into your briefcase or handbag. In doing so, you still have your phone with you but no longer in such an intimate vicinity.

We will survive it

You see, it’s not really a story to cope with keeping distance to your smartphone. Although such a device provides countless features and tools lot of us take advantage of, we must be aware of not getting more and more depending on it. Instead of chatting with a friend all day long, give him or her a brief call for arranging a date where you can talk face to face. Beside the fact that you can chat even more while having a dialog, you’re socializing and may drinking a cup of coffee at the same time. Does sound much better than just typing around on your smartphone’s display, doesn’t it? To come to an end, consider all the previous generations - they also survived even though they were not in possession of a smartphone. Think about it!

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