Dear Friends Hard Work is Good but try to Do Smart Work.

Example: Convert 0.555 into a percentage. We know that to convert it to the percentage we have to multiply 0.555 with 100. After removing the decimal we will have 555/1000 x 100. Now 2 zeros of 100 will be canceled with the 2 zeros of 1000. And the result will be 555/10. Now we have to divide 555 by 10 and after division, we will get 55.5%. This is a hard-work.
Now think differently and solve the same question with a different idea. 0.555 x 100. Now the rule is that when we multiply any number by 100 the decimal of the given number moves 2 digits rightwards. So we will get 55.5%. This is called a smart work.
So in the whole of life, there are always 2 ways to choose from: hard-work and a Smart-work and smart people choose the smart work to save time, money and effort.

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