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What is Smartcasting?


The prehistory of Smartcasting began with the forming of friendships. But first, a few necessary definitions. The root word of smartcasting is obviously "smartcast".

smartcast: the use of a mobile phone to create a broadcast with multiple co-hosts in different locations
smartcasting: the act of creating or participating in a smartcast
smartcaster: a person involved in the creation of a smartcast

Smartcast is therefore a union of the words broadcast and smartphone.

The innovators of smartcasting are myself, Tino Curione, David Schofield and Ian Altosaar @ianaltosaar who essentially joined forces through the popular mobile application WhatsApp. The idea was to form a group to unite our talents and intelligences in an effort to make better use of our entrepreneurial nature, but with the added challenge of being in three very distant locations: Italy, England and Estonia. The result so far has been the creation of smartcasting, which over time, I will continue to share the actually history not only in words, but by sharing the smartcasts in which the history unfolds.

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