My Radio Debut on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock!

Yesterday (Friday, 5/11) I was interviewed on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock. Ernest has been a long time libertarian and, as he says, been interested in how cryptocurrency can help free us from government and bank tyranny since he first heard about Bitcoin.

We met Ernest at Libertopia this month, and had a great conversation about his dreams of empowering people in the slums and underprivileged areas around the world, or favela's as they are called in Brazil. He envisions a bottom up financial revolution that drags the rich part of the world along with them. He has dreams about a peaceful pirate society that he details at and he's really excited about how the infrastructure SmartCash is building in Brazil might be a great example of this working in the wider world.

Like all good crypto people should be doing, Ernest posts his videos on DTube, and I've linked the videos of my interview below, which are taken from his show notes page.

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