SmartCash, Cultural Arts, and Crypto-Education Events Center

I've been researching this whole crypto world in between my active projects. My good friend has been preaching this to all of our circle for a while and I am finally taking the time to ponder the possibilities...

I'm hearing a ton of hype about SmartCash and it's potential of really changing how a currency is viewed, operates, and functions. I am fond of the set up because I've known for a while... we vote with our dollar more than anything in this dollar worshipping world.

Find out more information on SmartCash here:

They have an amazing feature to submit a proposal for an idea to help your community. These proposals are voted upon and once approved, you are funded to do your project! This is all open and allows for a great transition to empowering communities trying to do good and help get out from under a failing system.

I have an introductory thought on a project that I would love to get feedback from this community on! So here it goes:

Imagine an events center that is utilized as a cultural arts venue at night, and as a crypto coffee shop or meet up space during the day. There could be hefty discounts on all purchases if using SmartCash to encourage using and educating others how to do the same. It could be a hub to connect the worlds of currency and minds of artists to creative uses of blockchains with the cultural arts in the future.

This events center could host speakers to educate the public regarding the crypto movement. These really could be put up across the nation once the concept proves to work... as I'm sure it would. We need to bring the digital to the physical more evenly so that the world can see the real-life impact this movement can have!

So that's the basic idea, I have much more flushed out from a previous project in which I have plans for a cultural arts hub. But integrating SmartCash and the crypto movement seems to be a tangible solution to get this funded sooner, rather than later!

Please post your thoughts, ideas, and comments regarding this! Please follow and I'll keep you updated on the progress.

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