Interview with The MonkeyCoin, the first exchange in Latin America accepting SmartCash.

Monkeycoin is a new platform to buy and sell Bitcoins, Ethereum, Litecoin and SmartCash in Venezuela. It is very easy to enter, learn and discover how to live the excitement of using the new digital Cryptocurrencies!
Part of the Monkeycoin staff kindly agreed to answer the following questions:
Omar Ucan: Could you present the Monkeycoin Exchange Team?
Monkeycoin: Gabriel Giannitsopulos as founder and Emilio Martinez as co-founder.
Team of professional leaders convinced of changing the world and society and guiding it towards the implementation and development of financial technologies in preparation for the global challenges of the near future.

OU: How was the first contact with SmartCash?
Monkeycoin: A member of the SmartCash team contacted us after using our platform through our support chat.
From there a nice channel of communication opened; which has led to a very visionary and positive relationship.

OU: What were the characteristics of the coin that attracted your attention?
Monkeycoin: All of its features caught our attention! It has many qualities that we had never seen in any other coin. We already knew about coins with Masternodes and we are quite interested, but we saw that average holders needed a high technical level to be able to benefit from the Masternodes coins.

Now, SmartCash gives to his holders a system of SmartRewards which we find very interesting. We believe this gives the power of saving and earning without having to be a professional in software development.

Likewise, its governance system is very attractive. The same users make votes towards different proposals generated by the community as mechanisms to make the different features adaptive to the changing needs of the same community of users, what they call the SmartHive.

It is also a fresh, innovative and very visionary project that has undertaken great objectives aimed for social development through events with a very generous spirit towards the most disadvantaged. Seen in the activities promoted by their teams in Venezuela for example.

On the other hand SmartCash is connecting to the world, and the website is translated into 6 languages including English, Spanish, Dutch, German, Russian and Greek.

A multicultural cocktail of users with a common goal and diverse talents around the planet united in a very short time. Something never before seen from our perspective. There are many other features making SmartCash something unique, but we would greatly lengthen the interview and better leave it to new users who think for themselves.

OU: What is the main intention of integrating SmartCash into the currencies accepted in The Monkeycoin Exchange?

Monkeycoin: Mainly, we continue to differentiate ourselves by having the most diverse portfolio of cryptocurrencies in Venezuela. We are always focusing our investment on the diversification of the pairs to offer the best to our users. SmartCash is an excellent addition and we are very pleased to be able to offer the Venezuelans and the world a pair in our exchange.

OU: We have seen on your official Twitter page you have been announcing the integration of SmartCash as well as the tests you carry out. Do these tests follow some standardized or quality guidelines such as ISO?

Monkeycoin: Our research and development department is highly qualified to synchronize our portfolios and continues working on the incorporation of SmartCash until its integration and launch. The internal quality management guidelines are the most rigorous. We are already minute by minute closer and closer to the launch, we must not despair because... The wait will pay off!

OU: As for the legal framework in Venezuela about the Cryptocurrencies, do you follow any guideline or law of your country? Do you have any mechanism to handle legal issues with customers?

Monkeycoin: We are aware there are certain laws being developed around the Cryptocurrencies in specific; however, there is a broad legal framework that currently regulates us within the system of laws of the Venezuelan state to which we correspond to its fullest.
We are a registered company folliwing Venezuelan legal codes, all legal matters with our clients have a place in our legislation.

OU: What was the biggest challenge during the decision to add SmartCash as a digital asset accepted in The MonkeyCoin?

Monkeycoin: So far... the development of our interface to a new active crypto which had no previous work done by our developers; however, this has greatly strengthened the relationship with the excellent dev. team of SmartCash where we have agreed on the vision for the development of new projects in the near future.

OU: What is the net value this integration will bring to the SmartCash community not only from Venezuela but from everywhere?

Monkeycoin: We believe SmartCash is changing the way of doing things and its incorporation into the Venezuelan market, at such an early age of its launching, will undoubtedly position it as the coin by selection of many new users in the country. Both networks of miners, as well as whales, dolphins and goopies will react in the presence of SmartCash. Being a pioneer is very valuable, just as Bitcoin was at the time. For Venezuelans, SmartCash allows them to acquire quantities of whole numbers and not Bitcoin satoshis. This will give them a greater sense of value. In addition, fees for transfers are minuscule, BTC users are very expensive to transfer, so they are not fulfilling a very important function of making small payments. BTC users will migrate to the daily use of cryptocurrencies with SmartCash. And this will set a world precedent, the media impact will be heard in many corners of the world. Being pioneers is very valuable!

OU: Can you tell us any spoiler on the skateboarding contest that will take place on December 2?

Monkeycoin: We support the national talent and above all the extreme sports. Skateboarding has been one of the most widespread sports in the country, this is just the beginning of a series of events of this kind in which we seek to attract the attention of the skaters at national level to consider being their sponsors. We are starting to develop a team of riders in many sports like skateboarding, surfing, kitesurfing, BMX, Downhill, Motocross, skydiving, climbing among others. Also we will always seek to integrate co-sponsors, in this case we debut with SmartCash in celebration of the next launch. Hopefully we will continue to support each other in this kind of initiatives and others to come while spreading their excellent virtues.

OU: Any final thoughts for our readers?

Monkeycoin: We would like to invite you to be part of our growing community. There are almost 5,000 registered users who enjoy our services daily. The future of money and the means of payments are totally oriented to technologies based on blockchain, it is time to educate yourself about it so you can access these new mechanisms which are changing and mutating to unimaginable dimensions every day. Society as we know it today is in a process of constant change and we must be prepared.

Finally we announce, especially to Venezuelan users, we will be distributing a total of 1 million $SMART for those new users of Monkeycoin who have verified status and publish for their social networks screenshots of their MonkeyWallet (QR) of SmartCash among others. The massive adoption of SmartCash in Venezuela is a fact! Making history in Venezuela and in the world!

The information exchanged in this interview was carried out respecting the comments and contributions. This interview should be taken as informative.

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