Smartcash Beer, the First Crypto Beer in the World. The Beginning.

Welcome to these series, where I'll talk and document all our experience with Smartcash and Smart Beer. This is chapter 1, the beginning:

Smartcash is a criptocurrency, but it's has many features that set Smartcash apart from other altcoins.

Smartcash is a secure, fast, fungible, community governed digital currency. It has many community oriented benefits, such as Smart Rewards but one of the main features that makes Smartcash excels over other altcoin it's the Smarthive.

The Smarthive it's a decentralized governance platform where the community can submit proposals to control the future over the coin. Also these proposals can be oriented towards the community growth and the promotion of the coin.

So, in this first post about Smartcash Beer, I'll talk about experience submitting our proposal: Smartcash Beer, the first Crypto Beer.


My friends and I discovered Smartcash last year(2017), at the beginning for us, it was just another coin, but some of its feature called my attention.

I think that in the near future (5 to 10 years ahead) we'll use cryptocurrencies instead of paper-fiat-money. So the self governance platform it's a great idea so the community can take decisions.

There are other coins with a self governance model, such as Dash and Decred, but Smartcash is much more friendly. So after learning more about Smartcash and its community oriented model, I just fell in love and I could see a big potential in Smartcash, so I sold some other cryptocurrencies and I made an important Investment in Smartcash.

After a few months, I've just got surprised of the fast community growth rate, and I started to get more involved, at the beginning just reading the chats in Telegram, Discord and Facebook.

Then, I saw many people excited about Smart Rewards and Smart Nodes(I'll talk about his features in another post), and some other people submitting very creative proposals to help the community. Many of the proposal were born in Africa. Yes, I plead guilty of ignoring that in some of the "poorest" countries in the world, they are adopting some of the latest technologies in the planet. That's awesome, isn't it?

So, I tought, Smartcash is so special, and this proposal system in the long run will make Smartcash to get far, maybe to the moon.

So I met a couple of guys working full time for Smartcash, at the beginning I thought they were part of the Smartcash core team, but I was wrong, they were working so hard because they made a proposal, they don't have an alternative job, they work full time in their proposal, and of course they receive a compensation for that. That's awesome.

Of course they have to work from dawn till dusk, it's like working in a company but they designed their own position, and proposed their compensation salary, that's amazing.

One weekend, my friends and me, we got together to have some beers and a barbecue, we were talking about cryptocurrencies and Smartcash. So we came up with the idea of making something to promote Smartcash. All of us have investments in Smarts.

We are an interdisciplinary team but all of us are professional brewers. We love beer because, its history, its role in the society, the creativity needed to brew astonished craft beers. So we came up with the idea of brewing a special beer for Smartcash.

We didn't know exactly what to do, we made a pre-proposal in the Smartcash forum to ask the opinion of the community. And we got some good comments and advises. So we shaped the idea better.

Then, we put together a budget and we made the proposal to brew the beer. If our proposal was voted positively and accepted by the community, we were going to be funded to brew the Smartcash Beer.

The first beer in history, funded by a global community, by the power of cryptocurrencies, by the power of the self governance platform of Smartcash.

THIS IS HISTORY, this is an amazing time, Smartcash Beer demonstrates the power of cryptocurrencies, it gets back the power and decisions to people, fiat money is controlled by central banks and it's a scam, they use fiat money against us, to manipulate us, and it happens in every single country of the world. So cryptocurrencies like Smartcash get control back to people.

Because we are being funded by the Smart Hive to brew Smartcash Beer, we are going to distribute it in bars and restaurants without cost. So the end consumer will pay nothing to drink Smartcash Beer, because the Smartcash global community have already paid for it.

Every time a Smartcash transaction takes place, there's a small fee. 70% of that fee goes to the Smart Hive treasury, and these Smarts are available to fund creative proposals. At this moment, there are Σ 816,703,406.10 Smarts, that equals to USD$106, 446, 671.00

Our proposal has just passed trough. The community voted positively for it. And we are very excited about this project.


We are about to start the project and we'll keep you informed of all our experience developing this proposal and brewing the first cryptobeer in human history.


Thank you for reading.


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